viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

A problem / solution paragraph


The atmosphere, the thin gas layer that surrounds our planet, is responsible for keeping stable the Earth’s temperature. However, the average global temperature has been rising since the twentieth century. This phenomenon is principally due to the emission of greenhouse gases. These gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, but its composition has been modified by human activity. Industrial activities and the use of automobiles have contributed to greenhouse gas emissions, becoming the atmosphere thicker, which has caused the temperature of the planet increases.

This is known as global warming, a phenomenon that causes negative effects in many activities such as droughts or the rising of the sea level, which will cause huge floods. Given the magnitude of this problem, there have been many efforts to combat it such as the reduction of the emissions of gases by buying energy-efficient light bulbs. Although they are a little bit more expensive, they save much more energy and illuminate as well as the other light bulbs.

Other possible solution is to use electric-powered cars. They produce less noise, almost imperceptible vibrations and emit almost no heat. With electric mobility vehicles we can travel on the most limited traffic areas for reasons of road pollution. We also can use more frequently public transport; in this way we will not spend much money and we will probably meet nice people! Another way to solve global warming is riding bicycles. More physical exercise will be done and there would be less traffic in our cities.

Some other solutions are recycling and separating rubbish (splinter of glass, cardboard, paper, plastic, organic waste…). There is a problem with this answer: there are people working on this, so consequently, this would suppose the unemployment of a lot of workers. Taking a shower with warm or cold water also helps: the water vapor will not propagate across the atmosphere. Planting more trees suppose the absorption of large amounts of carbon dioxide and the more oxygen liberation.

After analyzing various ways to deal with the phenomenon of global warming, all of them are necessary. Little by little we must open our mind and think that if we do not start actuating now, then it will be too late. Perhaps as the change of this phenomenon is gradual, there are few incentives to modify the behavior of agents. A much stronger position to realize the seriousness of the matter disorder is needed. 

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